The main aim of his (Guru Golvalkar'​s) R.S.S


Following is interesting article about Guru Golwalkar.. then RSS's Top brass...

The views of Guru Golwalker are as clean and clear as crystal...

Perhaps, It only the media or slavery mind set, left behind by british in Bharat, that played the destructive tone... & brought the mind-set to such low morality.. that sania mino like looters retain position in assembly & successfully generate ruin to the wealth/mind/ability of people & the Nation.

Need to wake-up --> Changing to Hindu Nation is still on agenda after 64 years of Independence.


by Kushwant Singh

From: The Illustrated Weekly of India , November 26, 1972 Page 49

There are some people against whom you build up malice without knowing them. Guru Golwalkar had long been on the top of my hate list. What with the R.S.S. doings in communal riots, the assassination of the Mahatma, the talk of changing India from a secular to a Hindu state!

However as a journalist I could not resist the chance of meeting him.

I expected to run into a cordon of uniformed swayamsevaks. There are

none; not even plainclothes C.I.D. to take down the number of my car.

It is a middle-class apartment with an appearance of puja going on inside-rows of sandals outside, fragrance of agarbatti, bustle of women behind the scenes; tinkle of utensils and crockery. In a small room sit a dozen men in spotless white kurtas and dhotis – all looking newly washed as only Maharashtrian Brahmins manage to do. And Guru Golwalkar: a frail man in mid-sixties: black hair curling to his shoulders; a moustache covering his mouth; a wispy grey bread dangling down his chin. An unerasable smile and dark eyes twinkling through his bifocals. He looks like an Indian Ho Chi Minh. He looked remarkably fit and cheerful.

As I bend to touch his feet he grasps my hands in his bony fingers and pulls me down on the seat beside him.

"I am very glad to meet you," he says. "I had been wanting to do so for some time."
His Hindi is very shudh.

"Me too," I reply clumsily. "Ever since I read your Bunch of Letters."

"Bunch of Thoughts," he corrects me. He does not want to know my views on it.

He takes one of my hands in his and pats it. "So?" he looks inquiringly at me.

"I don't know where to begin. I am told you shun publicity and your

organization is secret."

"It is true we do not seek publicity but there is nothing secret about

us. Ask me anything you want to."

"I read about your movement in Jack Currans's The R.S.S. and Hindu Militarism.

He says …""It is a biased account," interrupts Guruji. "Unfair, inaccurate-he misquoted me and many others. There is no militarism in our movement. We value discipline-which is a different matter."

I tell him that I had read an article describing Curran as the head of

C.I.A. operations in Europe and Africa. "I would never have suspected

it," I say very naively. "I have known him for 20 years."

Guruji beams a smile at me. "This doesn't surprise me at all." I do

not know whether the remark is a comment on Curran being C.I.A. or my naivete.

"There is one thing which bothers me about the R.S.S. If you permit

me, I will put it as bluntly as I can."

"Go ahead!"

"It is your attitude towards the minorities, particularly the

Christians and the Muslims."

"We have nothing against the Christians except their methods of

gaining converts. When they give medicines to the sick or bread to the

hungry, they should not exploit the situation by propagating their

religion to those people. I am glad there is a move to make the Indian

churches autonomous and independent of Rome."

"What about the Muslims?"

"What about them?"

I have no doubt in my mind that the dual loyalties that many Muslims

have towards both Indian and Pakistan is due to historical factors for

which Hindus are as much to blame as they. It also stems from a

feeling of insecurity that they have been made to suffer since

Partition. In any case, one cannot hold the entire community

responsible for the wrongs of a few.

"Guruji, there are six crore Indian Muslims here with us." I get

eloquent. "We cannot eliminate them, we cannot drive them out, we

cannot convert them. This is their home. We must reassure them-make them feel wanted. Let us win them over with love. This should be an article of …"

"I would reverse the order," he interrupts. "As a matter of fact I

would say the only right policy towards Muslims is to win their

loyalty by love."

I am startled. Is he playing with words? Or does he really mean what

he says? He qualifies his statement: "A delegation of the

Jamat-i-islami came to see me. I told them that Muslims must forget

that they ruled India. They should not look upon foreign Muslim

countries as their homelands. They must join the mainstream of



"We should explain things to them. Sometimes one feels angry with

Muslims for what they do; but then Hindu blood never harbours ill-will for very long. Time is a great healer. I am an optimist and feel that Hinduism and Islam will learn to live with each other."

Tea is served. Guruji's glass-mug provides a diversion. I ask him why he doesn't drink the beverage out of porcelain like the rest of us.

He smiles. "I have always taken it in this mug. I take it with me wherever I go." His closest companion, Dr. Thatte, who has dedicated his life to the R.S.S. explains: "Porcelain wears off and exposes the
clay beneath. Clay can harbour germs."

I return to my theme.

"Why do you pin your faith on religion when most of the world is

turning irreligious and agnostic?"

"Hinduism is on firm ground because it has no dogma. It has had

agnostics before; it will survive the wave of irreligiousness better

than any other religious system."

"How can you say that? The evidence is the other way. The only

religions which are standing firm and even increasing their hold on

the people are based on dogma – Catholicism, and more than

Catholicism, Islam."

"It is a passing phase. Agnosticism will overtake them, it will not

overtake Hinduism. Ours is not a religion in the dictionary sense of

the world; it is dharma, a way of life. Hinduism will take agnosticism

in its stride."

I had taken more than half an hour of Guruji's time. He shows no sign of impatience. When I ask for leave, he again grasps my hands to prevent me from touching his feet.

Was I impressed? I admit I was. He did not try to persuade me to his point of view. He made me feel that he was open to persuasion. I accepted his invitation to visit him in Nagpur and see things for
myself. Maybe I can bring him round to making Hindu_Muslim unity the main aim of his R.S.S. Or am I being a simple-minded Sardarji?

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